2006/04/10 | 【牧羊人学英语】Boston Legal
类别(音乐推荐) | 评论(5) | 阅读(516) | 发表于 21:25

电脑技术论坛总是很喧嚣,充满了争吵,但并非一无是处,在灌水区常常有一些好玩的东西。最近我就发现有人推荐了个美国电视剧 Boston Legal ,并将其中两段精彩的法庭辩论视频提供了下载。这不由地又一次激发了我听力默写的爱好。我在日记上曾干过几次默写电影预告片解说的事情(好像是《超人高校》和《范海辛》),其实听多了美国电影预告片的解说词,你会发现它很套路化,对提高自己的英语听力没什么益处。经常看看电视剧,听听新闻反倒效果的更好一些。默写对白和日常对话的确不一样,日常对话中,你可以通过猜测了解大概意思,不那么精确也没问题,而默写要求一遍就完全记下对白中的每个词汇,对我来说几乎不可能,就是多听几次,仍然会有一些词汇听不出来。不过一旦你了解了当时无法听懂的词汇,自己的听力有会很大的提高。

我现在学英语最常用的手段就是:“看电影” ,比如看一些流行的美国电视剧和电影。

这两段法庭辩论的视频的确很精彩。不禁让我想起了《魔鬼代言人》中基努里维斯最后那场给杀人富豪所做的辩护陈词, 采用的辩护手法应该是一样的,那就是: 陪审团和辩护律师本人都讨厌被告,陪审团都希望她或他有罪,但是法庭上要的是证据。其实帅哥基努里维斯在电影《魔鬼代言人》的表现很出彩(个人认为是他最出色的萤幕表现了),无奈碰到了Al pacino 这种老戏骨就没法了。



特此记录视频对白:(红字为没有听出来的单词,括号为网友 Ladyteacher 所作的注解)
Why we are here? Certainly not because of the evidence there’s not any.
Any witness see my client gave her husband viagra ? Anybody see her put nitroglycerine into his wine? No. We’ve been asked to assume that is evil. Why can’t we appeal the same instrumentality to the diseased?(Trustno1 理解为:Why can’t we impute the same sinister mentality to deceased? ) Because people just don't take their own lives? We have a million suicides across the globe every year, a million. Suicide is a much more common and therefore plausible thing than murder. So why we are here? Because Kelly Lauren had a blank expression on her face when the police arrived at the scene? She was in shock, for god shakes, her husband had just died right before her eyes. Finger press on the wine glass? It was her house. She was having wine with her husband. Is this so inconceivable that she would touch his glass? And if she were guilty, don't you think she would wipe the glasses cleaner, washed it, so the nitro wouldn't be detected. Why we are here? Because her husband allegedly threatened to cut her out off his will two days before? According to Kelly, that never happened. The housekeeper said he did. But this is the witness who immediately loathed my client, who admittedly concealed information from me so she could do more damage to the trial. She has a bias. And the Prosecution offered nobody to cooperate her, so why we are here? The coronary joke, made by her boyfriend, suspiciously coincidental, but that was something she said not did. And she said it in jest. Let’s remember, there is no suggestion that either the boyfriend or the house keeper took this remark seriously for a second, if they did, why did they not contact the police?
There is simply no evidence that would allow you to conclude beyond all reasonable doubt that Kelly Lauren killed her husband, so why we are here?

Ladyteacher 注解:the medication used to treat men's impotence。 
Trustno1 注解:Viraga 就是伟哥,过渡使用会心肌缺氧.
因此Viraga+nitroglycerine+Wine,就能让你high 到不能再high,然后嗝屁.

Ladyteacher 注解:a powerful liquid,explosive,nitroglycerine
Trustno1 注解:硝化甘油在液体状态当然是炸药,但是混合惰性纤维以后性能就会变得稳定,心血管扩张的特效药,有严重心脏病的人都会随身携带.

James Spader 这个演员最早是出演索德伯格的《性,谎言,录像带》出名的,后来他出演了德国籍导演罗兰·艾默里奇在好莱坞拍摄的第二部电影《Star Gate》中的科学家 。 记得前几年还看过他演的一个电影《Alien hunter》,也是扮演一个科学家 Rome , 感觉他扮演的科学家都很酷。

《Alien hunter》中有一段对白我印象很深刻:

Rome 一直追踪外星人的存在,一个女科学家开玩笑问 Rome:
"Since you've never heard from them,
do you still believe they are out there."
Rome: Do you believe in God?
女科学家: Yes
Rome: Have you ever heard from him ?
女科学家咧嘴一笑: No

它和基努里维斯合演的《正义守望者》(The Watcher)在中国上映,不过因为基努里维斯因为一些问题和导演,还有James Spader 闹的关系很僵,甚至不参加电影的首映。


